Recent publications and activities

Here we want to make known the research activity of colleagues linked to the Rhetoric & Anthropology project. Although we will try to keep within the thematic proximity of the topic that links us (and thus rhetoric, linguistics, philosophy of language…), the publications reported here do not necessarily have to adjust to the more restrictive criteria of the Rhetoric & Anthropology texts repertoire. Instead, in the “Other highlights” section, which reports publications by other scholars, we want to show texts that very specifically reflect that field.
After these two sections you will find publications that previously entered here but are no longer “recent.”

2022 – 2023:

From our Research Net:

  • Agnetta, Marco. 2023. “Translation as de- and reconstructing synsemiotic relationships. Contextual dimensions of opera libretto translation.” Babel, December 12, 2023, DOI:
  • Cattani, Adelino. 2022. Botta e risposta. L’arte della replica. Dirsele (non darsele) di santa ragione. E perché fa bene, third updated edition, Roma: Dino Audino.
  • Cattani, Adelino, and Bruno Mastroianni. 2022. Competing, cooperating, deciding : Towards a model of deliberative debate, Firenze: Firenze University Press.
  • Colagè, Ivan. 2023. “The Emergence of Symbolic Cognition.” In The Routledge International Handbook of Neuroaesthetics, edited by Francesco d’Errico and Ivan Colagè, 538-553. London: Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781003008675-31
  • Egglezou, Fotini (ed). 2023. Η ρητορική του πολέμου και της ειρήνης, Ινστιτούτο Ρητορικών και Επικοινωνιακών Σπουδών Ελλάδας (Ι.Ρ.Ε.Σ.Ε.). // Translation: The rhetoric of war and peace, Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies of Greece (I.R.E.C.S.E.).
  • Egglezou, Fotini. 2023. “‘Ζητώντας όπλα στο όνομα της οικογένειας και των ανθρώπων…’ Η Πρώτη Κυρία της Ουκρανίας μιλά στο Κογκρέσο για τον ρωσοουκρανικό πόλεμο.” Η ρητορική του πολέμου και της ειρήνης, επιμέλεια: Φωτεινή Εγγλέζου, 181-198. Ινστιτούτο Ρητορικών και Επικοινωνιακών Σπουδών Ελλάδας (Ι.Ρ.Ε.Σ.Ε.). // Translation: “‘Asking for weapons in the name of family and people…’ Ukraine’s First Lady speaks to Congress about the Russian-Ukrainian war.” In The rhetoric of war and peace, edited by Fotini Egglezou, 181-198. Institute of Rhetorical and Communication Studies of Greece (I.R.E.C.S.E.).
  • Jiménez Cataño, Rafael. 2022. “Anthropological Foundations of the Language Resources to Recognize Personhood.” L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria 31-2: 161-179. –
  • Jiménez Cataño, R., and Andrea C. Valente. 2023. “The Good Doctor. Oltre l’empatia: creatività per interagire con un medico autistico.” In Serie serie. Analisi interdisciplinare di 12 serie di tv, edited by Federica Bergamino, 187-215. Edusc, Roma: Edusc.
  • Leal, Jerónimo. 2022. “La prosa métrica en Tertuliano (con un estudio estilístico del De testimonio animae).” Augustinianum 62-2: 331-356.
  • Malo, Antonio. 2023. “Tre paradigmi antropologici dell’educazione del desiderio: virtù, modelli sociali e riflessività relazionale.” Revista de Estudios humanísticos vol. 1.
  • Maspero, Giulio. 2022. After Pandemic, After Modernity: The Relational Revolution, South Bend (IN): St. Augustine’s Press.

Other highlights:

  • Flanagan, Owen, and Ledoux, Joseph E., and Bingle, Bobby. 2023. Against Happiness, New York, Columbia University Press.
  • Parviainen, J., and A. Koski, and P. Alanen. 2022. “Tackling the Corona pandemic: Managing nonknowledge in political decision-making.” In Routledge international handbook of ignorance studies (2nd ed.), edited by M. Gross and L. McGoey, 211–220. London: Routledge.
  • Pujol, Jordi. 2023. The Collapse of Freedom of Expression. Reconstructing the Ancient Roots of Modern Liberty. Notre Dame (IN): University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Üçok-Sayrak, Özüm. 2022. Aesthetic Ecology of Communication Ethics: Existential Rootedness. Madison (NY) – Vancouver (BC): Fairleigh Dickinson University Press.

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Archive. 2018 – 2021:

From our Research Net:

  • Agnetta, Marco, and Larisa Cercel. 2019. “George Steiner’s After Babel in contemporary Translation Studies.” Church, Communication and Culture 4-3: 363-369 –
  • Agnetta, M., and Nathalie Mälzer. 2020. “Henri Meschonnics holistischer Rhythmusbegriff und einige seiner Implikationen für die Translationswissenschaft.” In Denkfigur Rhythmus. Probleme und Potenziale des Rhythmusbegriffs in den Künsten (= Ästhetische Eigenzeiten, Bd. 18), edited by Boris R. Gibhardt, 105–115. Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag –
  • Agnetta, Marco. 2021. “Übersetzung und Bearbeitung als Anamorphose. Zum kreativen Potenzial sprachlicher Um- und Wiederformung.” In Textperformances und Kulturtransfer. Text Performances und Cultural Transfer (= Hermeneutik und Kreativität, Bd. 6), edited by Marco Agnetta and Larisa Cercel, 181-211. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag –
  • Agnetta, M. 2021. “Zur Translation als Performance mit Texten.” In Textperformances und Kulturtransfer. Text Performances und Cultural Transfer (= Hermeneutik und Kreativität, Bd. 6), edited by Marco Agnetta and Larisa Cercel, 9-32. St. Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag –
  • Agnetta, M., Larisa Cercel, and Brian O’Keeffe [eds.]. 2021. Engaging with Translation. New Readings of George Steiner’s After Babel. Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics, 1. Journal of the Research Center Hermeneutics and Creativity. Leipzig:  University of Leipzig –’s_After_Babel
  • Cattani, Adelino. 2019. Avere ragione. Piccolo manuale di retorica dialogica. Roma: Dino Audino.
  • Cattani, A., and N. Varisto. 2019. Dibattito argomentato e regolamentato. Teoria e pratica di una Palestra di botta e risposta. Torino: Loescher. (I Quaderni della ricerca 47.)
  • Cattani, Adelino, and Massimo Tommolillo. 2021. Palestra di botta e risposta. Sei passi nell’argomentazione, Milano: Mimesis.
  • Cattani A. and Bruno Mastroianni (eds.). 2021. Competing, cooperating, deciding: towards a model of deliberative debate. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
  • Chruszczewski, Piotr, and Aleksandra Knapik (eds.). 2018. Między tekstem a kulturą: Z zagadnień przekładoznawstwa [Between the text and culture: on translation studies]. San Diego (CA): Æ Academic Publishing.
  • Chruszczewski, P. 2020. “On the Processes of Translation of a Literary Text. A Case Study of “Emeryt” by Bruno Schulz [1892–1942] (an overview of an exercise).” Academic Journal of Modern Philology 10: 65-90 – (in Polish)
  • Chruszczewski, Piotr. 2021. “Jak wytrenować noblistę. Rzecz o społecznym odbiorze tutoringu w grupie studentów i tutorów Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego; badanie pilotażowe” (How to train a Nobel Prize winner. The social perception of tutoring among students and tutors of Wrocław University; A pilot study). Journal of Modern Philology 14: 69-90 –
  • Egglezou, Fotini. 2020. “Debate at the edge of critical pedagogy and rhetorical paedeia: Cultivating active citizens.” Solsko Polje 30-5-6: 101-119 –
  • Egglezou, F. 2020. “Ο Λόγος της Επιδημιολογικής Πειθούς στην Πανδημία Ανάλυση Επιχειρηματολογικών Δομών στις Ενημερώσεις του Σ. Τσιόδρα για την Εφαρμογή των Μέτρων κατά του Covid-19.” Διεθνής και Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική, 48-49: 259-275. // Translation: “The logos of the epidemiological persuasion during the pandemic. Analysis of argumentative structures in the reports of S. Tsiodras for the implementation of measures against Covid-19.” Political and European Politics 48-49: 259-275.
  • Egglezou, Fotini. 2021. “‘Odyssey’ Scientific Debate: Rhetoric and STEM education.” In Competing, cooperating, deciding: towards a model of deliberative debate, edited by Adelino Cattani and Bruno Mastroianni, 99-118. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
  • Egglezou, F. 2021. “Η ρητορική θεώρηση της επιχειρηματολογίας. Tο ρητορικό επιχείρημα, το ενθύμημα, το παράδειγμα και οι ρητορικοί τόποι.” Στο Παρεμβατικές δράσεις για πρακτικές σχολικής καθημερινότητας. Θεματικοί Επιμορφωτικοί Κύκλοι, 114-124. Πειραιάς: 6ο ΠΕ.Κ.Ε.Σ. Αττικής. // Translation: “A rhetorical approach of argumentation. Rhetorical argument, enthymeme, example and rhetorical topoi.” In Interventions Activities for practices of every day school life. Thematic Educational Circles, 114-124. Peiraieus: 6th PEKES of Attica.
  • Gil, Alberto, and Rafael Jiménez Cataño (ghest editors). 2019. Special issue on post-truth: Church, Communication and Culture 4-3 –
  • Gil, A. 2020. “Rapporto tra responsabilità e fiducia”: Webinar Centro Elis, May 20th. (Download PDF)
  • Gil, Alberto. 2021. “Fidélité créatrice als performative Größe und die Beziehung zwischen Hermeneutik und Kreativität in der Translation”. Marco Agnetta / Larisa Cercel (Hrsg./eds.), Textperformances und Kulturtransfer. Sankt Ingbert: Röhrig Universitätsverlag, 2021, 109-126. (Download PDF)
  • Gil, A., and Sergio Tapia Velasco. 2021. Ars Praedicandi: Cómo comunicar eficazmente la belleza de Cristo y su mensaje. Wroclaw: Amazon.
    • 2022. Ars praedicandi. Come comunicare efficacemente la bellezza di Cristo e del suo messaggio. Roma: Edusc.
  • Jiménez Cataño, Rafael. 2019, “Dialogue in view of human caring.” Studia Anglica Resoviensia16-1: 48-59 –
  • Jiménez Cataño, R., and Carlos Pereda. 2019. “Conversation with Carlos Pereda in Mexico: not giving in to the post-truth temptation.” Church, Communication and Culture 4-3: 351-362,
  • Jiménez Cataño, R. 2020. “No ceder a la tentación de la posverdad. Coloquio con Carlos Pereda.” OpenInsight 11-21: 13-29 –
  • Jiménez Cataño, R. 2020. Razón y persona en la persuasión. Textos sobre diálogo y argumentación. México: Editorial Notas Universitarias.
  • Jiménez Cataño, R. 2020. “The understanding of human being and its relevance for persuasion.” Rhetoric and Communication 44: 9-23 –
  • Knapik, Aleksandra R., and Marcin Kudła. 2019. “Expressing Ethnic Stereotypes from the Perspective of Anthropological Linguistics on the Basis of Attributive Ethnonyms.” Academic Journal of Modern Philology 8: 149-155 –
  • Kugelmeier, Christoph. 2019. “The interaction between ‘history’ and ‘story’ in Roman historiography: the rhetorical construction of the historical image of Nero.” Church, Communication and Culture 4-3: 255-265 –
  • Kugelmeier, Christoph, 2020. “Zum Gebrauch der Verbaspekte im Buch Sirach.” In Die Septuaginta – Themen, Manuskripte, Wirkungen, edited by Eberhard Bons et al., 272-290. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck.
  • Mavrodieva, Ivanka. 2020. “A Comparative Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches of Queen Elizabeth II and King George VI.” Rhetoric and Communications 43: 56-67 –
  • Mavrodieva, I. 2020. “Metaphors in Bulgarian Political Discourse Since 1989.” Advances in Journalism and Communication 8: 17-27 –
  • Mavrodieva, Ivanka. 2021. Fake News and Post-truth on Online Media in Bulgaria. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.
  • Tapia Velasco, Sergio. 2019. “Educar corazones que escuchan.” Hágase Estar 315: 10-11.
  • Zagar, Igor. 2020. “Slovenian Experience with Rhetoric in Primary Schools.” Solsko Polje 30-5-6: 141-158,
  • Zagar, I., 2020. “On inference, understanding and interpretation of visual argumentation: Challenges and problems.” Rhetoric and Communication 44: 24-54 –
  • Zagar, Igor Z. 2021. Four critical essays on argumentation. Ljubljana: Pedagogical Institute of Slovenia – DOI:

Other highlights: